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Bully Boy Distillers Partners with Chapman Construction & John Sava Architects for Small Batch Distillery

A view of the copper distillers at Bully Boy Distillers in Boston

A view of the copper distillers at Bully Boy Distillers in Boston

Adaptive reuse of an abandoned industrial building that was converted into a small batch distillery. The new space features a tasting room outfitted with custom millwork bar and seating, a barrel storage room, and state of the art production and bottling space. Extensive slab demolition and leveling occurred before the floor was topped with a durable epoxy mortar to withstand the wear-and-tear of production and forklift traffic. BIM modeling was utilized to coordinate the process piping, HVAC, and electrical work which aided in smooth installation while allowing easy access to the equipment during production operations.
— Champan Construction/Design

View the original article at Chapman Construction/Design

Looking for an architect for your next distillery or brewery? John has carved out a unique niche in the distillery & brewery space in Boston and across the country. You can schedule a consultation with him here.

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